Wakpala Luta Maine Coon Cattery

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Referenzen und Links     Referenzen: 1. Greene, Dr Alan. http://www.drgreene.com  2. Hartwell, Sarah.  2001-2004,  http://www.messybeast.com/poly-cats.html  3. Lettice, Hill, Devenney & Hill. "Point mutations in a distant sonic-hedgehog cis-regulator generate a variable regulatory output responsible for pre-axial polydactyly" Human Molecular Genetics, 2008, V17  4. Danforth C H.  “Heredity of Polydactyly in the Cat”, Journal of Heredity,  5. Pflueger, Solveig. “Polydactyly and Related Traits” Cat Fanciers’ Journal Fall 1998  6. Conversation between S Pflueger and S Grindell, 25 May 2005  7. Scratch Sheet approx Spring 1970. The official publication of the MCBFA. Click here for copy of the Scratch Sheet.  8. Interview transcript:  http://www.pawpeds.com/MCO/mchs/articles/DonShaw3.html  9. Private letter Sept 29, 1973 to Mrs Gould from Rodney A Ljostad President, MCBFA. Click here for copy of the letter from MCBFA archives  10. King, Lucinda. “So What Happened to the Maine Coon Polydactyls?” Maine Attraction, 2004   Links:   Mainelymagic Maine Coons Die Webseite des Autors für Maine Coon und polydaktyle Maine Coon Polytrak  eine tolle Seite mit vielen Informationen, Artikeln und einer Datenbank für polydaktyle Katzen Pawpeds   hier gibt es einen Artikel über Polydaktylie
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